Alpha Course

What is Alpha

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome.

Format:  We begin with a meal at 6:15pm in the parish hall followed by a talk and small group discussion.  We end at 8:30pm.

Next alpha course coming Sept 24, 2024 - Dec. 10, 2024!

September 24: Tuesday 6:15pm
"Is There More to Life than This?"

October 1: Tuesday 6:15pm
"Who Is Jesus?"

October 8: Tuesday 6:15pm
"Why Did Jesus Die?"

October 15: Tuesday 6:15pm
"How Can I Have Faith?"

October 22: Tuesday 6:15pm
"Why and How Should I Pray?"

October 29: Tuesday 6:15pm
"Why and How Should I Read the Bible?"

November 5:  Tuesday 6:15pm
“How Does God Guide Us?”

November 9: Friday 6pm – CTK Center
“Who Is the Holy Spirit?”
November 10: Saturday 9am – CTK Ctr.
 "What Does the Holy Spirit Do?"
"How Can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit?"

November 12: Tuesday 6:15pm
"How Can I Resist Evil?"

November 19: Tuesday 6:15pm
“Does God Heal Today?"

November 26: Tuesday 6:15pm
“What About the Church?”