
Church News

February 23rd, 2025  ~  March 1st, 2025




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All Saints, Round Lake is Hiring ~


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MISSION Offering for February ~ California Wild Fires


Youth Alpha will be starting on Feb. 26, 2025.  This will be every Wednesday from 6:30pm-7:30pm.  This will be run by Annika, Matthew, and Jake.


Men's Boundary Course is every Wednesday at 7pm in the Parish Hall.  Talk to Father Scott for more information.


Every Day for Everyone Book Discussion is every Wednesday at 7pm in the church.  Talk to Pat Ellis for more information.


We will be resetting the Prayer List starting March 1, 2025.  If there is a name that should stay on the prayer list please let Diana know by emailing her at or talking to her in church.


We have updated our Inclement Weather and Closing Policy.  Check it out here.  




Readers & Counters needed for Sunday services.  Neither ministry is difficult.  There are instruction sheets!  The new schedule is coming out soon and we would love to include you!  Please contact Cathy Fare at or see her in church if you are interested.


Coffee Hour Host ~  Have you ever wondered how coffee hour happens?  Coffee Hour Team Leader, Maggie organizes the coffee hours.  Parishioners sign up for whatever week works best for them by contacting Maggie.  A coffee hour host provides snacks by hosting alone or team up with another person.  There is NO set menu, it is what you  would like to provide.  If you would like to host a Sunday Coffee Hour, please chat with Maggie.  She would love to hear from you.



The 2025 Vestry is:  Sr. Warden ~ Pat Ellis  Jr. Warden ~ Julie Bailey     Vestry:  Cathy, Maggie, Jim, Marie, Peg & Ken.   If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to any vestry member. ALL Vestry meeting's are OPEN to EVERYONE. 



Prayers for the Week Healing Prayer:

Prayer requests for this week are for Ben, Larry, Nick, Andrew, Thomas, Jean, RaiLee, Faith, Mary Anne, Daniel, Susan, Jerome, Bob, Chris, Sean, Sandy, Donna, Joan, Diane, Tracy, Ella, Jack, Joe, Mary, Fred,  Meredith, Jim, Ross, Raya, Danielle, Jenn, Hope, Michael, Tim, Milo, Susan R., Sasha, Jack, Charlotte, Bob, Donna, Kai, Logan, Mary Catherine, Gordon, Sabrina, Jean and Steve.



Prayers for All Saints Parishioners: Each week we pray for members of our congregation. This week we pray for Peg N.


Birthdays:   We pray for everyone with birthdays this week!

Anniversaries:  We pray for everyone with anniversaries this week!

*IF we don't have your birthday or anniversary, we cannot celebrate YOU.  Please give the office a call and let us know.


Book of Remembrance:  Deborah Jennings-Goz, Phoebe Taylor, and William F. Kubizne


Service for THIS SUNDAY, February 23rd, 2025 @ 9:30AM

 Reader 1  ~ Ken R.  Reader 2  ~ Ken C.  C /P ~  Cathy F.

Coffee Hour Hostess  ~  Maggie M.

Videographer  ~  Jim B.

 Counters  ~  Pat E. & Nancy H.

Nursery ~  Jake & Karyn


Links to Sunday, February 9th Readings